
Obera Inside   Abril 28, 2024
Al mejor estilo Bolsonaro, diputado argentino quiere armar a la población - OberaInside.com.ar


Se trata del neuquino Francisco Sánchez, que en septiembre del año pasado había subrayado que se debía "construir un espacio de derecha, con sus variables, que opte a gobernar" la Argentina. Un diputado de Juntos por el Cambio anunció que está trabajando en un proyecto de ley para flexibilizar “el uso domiciliario de armas” para hacer [Leer más]

Obera Inside   Abril 28, 2024
Aparente paro de los choferes de capital del monte para este viernes 15 - OberaInside.com.ar


Si no aparecen respuestas por parte de la empresa Capital del Monte de Oberá, los choferes del transporte urbano de pasajeros, iniciarían este viernes 15 de enero un paro de actividades. «Está decidido con aval de la UTA, por demoras en pago de haberes. Desde el horario de salida de la primera línea de colectivo, [Leer más]

Obera Inside   Abril 28, 2024
Israel: la aplicación de la primera dosis de la vacuna contra el COVID-19 disminuyó los contagios en un 50% tras 14 días. - OberaInside.com.ar


La tasa de infecciones de COVID-19 para las personas que recibieron la primera de las dos dosis de la vacuna Pfizer disminuye a medida que pasa el tiempo desde la inyección, sobre todo después del lapso de 14 días, según reflejaron datos preliminares publicadas por el Ministerio de Salud de Israel el martes. La disminución en [Leer más]

Obera Inside   Abril 28, 2024
Tres muertos por Covid-19 y 138 nuevos casos en Misiones, 9 de ellos en Oberá - OberaInside.com.ar


El parte epidemiológico de este jueves informó tres nuevas víctimas de Covid-19 y sumó 138 nuevos pacientes. Los tres fallecidos padecían comorbilidades y pertenecen a las localidades de Leandro N. Alem, San Ignacio y Posadas. Es así que la cantidad de víctimas desde el inicio de la pandemia en la tierra colorada asciende a 46. [Leer más]

Obera Inside   Abril 28, 2024
¿Cómo pasar tus stickers favoritos de WhatsApp a Telegram? - OberaInside.com.ar


Sigue estos pasos y usarás los stickers de WhatsApp en Telegram. La mayoría de personas no quiere abandonar WhatsApp, debido a que cree que perderá sus stickers. Aquí te mostramos cómo pasarlos a Telegram. Desde que WhatsApp anunció el cambio de sus términos y condiciones, miles de usuarios están buscando aplicaciones de mensajería instantánea que sean una buena [Leer más]

Obera Inside   Abril 28, 2024
Co-WIN Centre Warns People Against Fake Coronavirus Vaccine Apps - OberaInside.com.ar


To understand the new smart watched and other pro devices of recent focus, we should look to Silicon Valley and the quantified movement. Apple\\'s Watch records exercise, tracks our moves throughout the day, checks the amount of time we are stood up and reminds us to get up and move around if we have been [Leer más]

Obera Inside   Abril 28, 2024
Review: Does Lemon Actually Help Weight Loss - OberaInside.com.ar


To understand the new smart watched and other pro devices of recent focus, we should look to Silicon Valley and the quantified movement. Apple\\'s Watch records exercise, tracks our moves throughout the day, checks the amount of time we are stood up and reminds us to get up and move around if we have been [Leer más]

Obera Inside   Abril 28, 2024
El Hospital Samic ,comenzó a hacer testeos rápidos a pacientes con síntomas de COVID 19 - OberaInside.com.ar


El Hospital Samic de Oberá, comenzó a hacer testeos rápidos a pacientes con síntomas de COVID 19, pero por turnos, en forma gratuita. De esta manera, el Centro de testeo rápidos implementado en el Hospital Madariaga de Posadas, se replica en otras localidades, en este caso, Oberá. «Comenzamos a hacer por tandas, a las 8,30, [Leer más]

Obera Inside   Abril 28, 2024
Electric Scooters are Bucking the Work From Home Trend – And are Here to Stay - OberaInside.com.ar


To understand the new smart watched and other pro devices of recent focus, we should look to Silicon Valley and the quantified movement. Apple\\'s Watch records exercise, tracks our moves throughout the day, checks the amount of time we are stood up and reminds us to get up and move around if we have been [Leer más]

Obera Inside   Abril 28, 2024
Hi-Tech Loop Technology Delivers Luxury Five-Star Travel Even at Extreme Speeds - OberaInside.com.ar


To understand the new smart watched and other pro devices of recent focus, we should look to Silicon Valley and the quantified movement. Apple\\'s Watch records exercise, tracks our moves throughout the day, checks the amount of time we are stood up and reminds us to get up and move around if we have been [Leer más]

Obera Inside   Abril 28, 2024
Apple Patents a Periscopic Zoom Camera Lens for Future iPhone - OberaInside.com.ar


To understand the new smart watched and other pro devices of recent focus, we should look to Silicon Valley and the quantified movement. Apple\\'s Watch records exercise, tracks our moves throughout the day, checks the amount of time we are stood up and reminds us to get up and move around if we have been [Leer más]

Obera Inside   Abril 28, 2024
IE is Dead as Microsoft Kills Off 25-Year-Old Browser - OberaInside.com.ar


To understand the new smart watched and other pro devices of recent focus, we should look to Silicon Valley and the quantified movement. Apple\\'s Watch records exercise, tracks our moves throughout the day, checks the amount of time we are stood up and reminds us to get up and move around if we have been [Leer más]

Obera Inside   Abril 28, 2024
Coconut Cake, An Easy And Quick Dessert To Make - OberaInside.com.ar


To understand the new smart watches and other pro devices of recent focus, we should look to Silicon Valley and the quantified movement of the latest generation. Apple\\'s Watch records exercise, tracks our moves throughout the day, assesses the amount of time we are stood up and reminds us to get up and move around [Leer más]

Obera Inside   Abril 28, 2024
The 6 Best Nail Lamps for a Salon-Quality Manicure at Home - OberaInside.com.ar


To understand the new smart watched and other pro devices of recent focus, we should look to Silicon Valley and the quantified movement. Apple\\'s Watch records exercise, tracks our moves throughout the day, checks the amount of time we are stood up and reminds us to get up and move around if we have been [Leer más]

Obera Inside   Abril 28, 2024
Are Windows 11 Security Features Killing Your Gaming Performance? - OberaInside.com.ar


To understand the new smart watched and other pro devices of recent focus, we should look to Silicon Valley and the quantified movement. Apple's Watch records exercise, tracks our moves throughout the day, checks the amount of time we are stood up and reminds us to get up and move around if we have been [Leer más]

Obera Inside   Abril 28, 2024
3 Best High-End Bluetooth 3.0 Headphones and Earbuds - OberaInside.com.ar


To understand the new smart watched and other pro devices of recent focus, we should look to Silicon Valley and the quantified movement. Apple's Watch records exercise, tracks our moves throughout the day, checks the amount of time we are stood up and reminds us to get up and move around if we have been [Leer más]

Obera Inside   Abril 28, 2024
Dubai Tourism Releases a Song Celebrating Dubai Tourism Festival 2021 - OberaInside.com.ar


To understand the new smart watched and other pro devices of recent focus, we should look to Silicon Valley and the quantified movement. Apple\\'s Watch records exercise, tracks our moves throughout the day, checks the amount of time we are stood up and reminds us to get up and move around if we have been [Leer más]

Obera Inside   Abril 28, 2024
Lip-smacking Diabetes-friendly Desserts You Must Try - OberaInside.com.ar


To understand the new smart watches and other pro devices of recent focus, we should look to Silicon Valley and the quantified movement of the latest generation. Apple\\'s Watch records exercise, tracks our moves throughout the day, assesses the amount of time we are stood up and reminds us to get up and move around [Leer más]

Obera Inside   Abril 28, 2024
They Went. They Learnt. They Changed Organic Food! - OberaInside.com.ar


To understand the new smart watches and other pro devices of recent focus, we should look to Silicon Valley and the quantified movement of the latest generation. Apple\\'s Watch records exercise, tracks our moves throughout the day, assesses the amount of time we are stood up and reminds us to get up and move around [Leer más]

Obera Inside   Abril 28, 2024